A Weekly Bible Study, But More Than That: A Community
Living Out the Call
We are doing a weekly Bible Study where everyone engages with the same 1 to 3 chapters per week, submitting any questions that arise or topics for discussion. We take all of that and do a weekly podcast engaging with the community and hopefully providing valuable insight into the Bible to help everyone no matter where they may find themselves on their journey with Christ. We want to help equip and prepare anyone who desires to put God first in their lives but struggle to do so in the bustling and exhausting grind we call life. More than that we want to create a community where we can lift each other up in all aspects of life, where we can feel comfortable asking each other for advice, for prayer, for encouragement, and accountability. We're striving to be the Light and the Salt we have been called to be, and we would love for you to join us.
THIS WEEK: Hebrews 3-4
Live Zoom Meeting ID: 720 078 4730 Passcode: x51p12 8/20 @ 2:00 PST
What You Can Expect

A Lasting Impact
Something sorely lacking in the culture, and the world, today is Christians actually acting like Christ. We want to help you start building habits, and have a network of support and accountability, to start prioritizing God and his Kingdom before everything else in your life. We want to give you all the tools and opportunities needed to fulfill your calling in Christ and to mature in your walk with the Lord. We reiterate the same promises God gives to us in scripture, He responds to those who seek to know Him more. He will give you a new heart, and a new spirit He will put within you. He will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Just let God reign on the throne of your heart unchallenged to lay claim to these promises, and we desire to help you do so. We want to help you take hold of the most wonderful of opportunities, to be made a new creature in Christ and to have a real and vibrant relationship with The One, True, and Living God of all creation. As difficult as it might be to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow Him, it gets easier when we have others there to pick us up when we fall, and oh how rewarding to submit ourselves to Him.

Bearing Good Fruit
Our entire lives can and should be shaped by the inspired Word of God. We want to help everyone read the Bible more, understand what it has to say, and how we can apply the Word in all aspects of our lives in order to experience the promised transformation. It is the expectation that we bear good witness, bear good fruit, and produce the fruit of the Spirit in increasing measure if we are to be assured of our Salvation and call ourselves disciples of Christ. One of the best ways to do this is to think biblically about everything. We want to help others know how to do this, the pitfalls and struggles of doing so, and remind each other that the scriptures are not just recommendations to be applied at our convenience but commands that demand our attention and obedience. We understand we cannot do this alone, that God indwells us and changes us in ways we cannot change ourselves so that we might abide in his Word and He might abide in us ever increasingly more each and every day.

Make the Most of Your Time
We know that people are busy, and we are so proud that you are even here right now reading this. There is nothing more important in this world than our individual relationships with the Lord, and our collective relationships with the rest of the body. Time is in short supply, and we understand that it can be hard to juggle our spiritual and physical responsibilities so we have done all we can to help you have the fulfilling walk with God at the times you have. You have all week to read the selected scriptures, questions can be submitted at any point during the week, and if unable to join the live zoom call at the end of the week, then the audio recordings will be available for free wherever you listen to podcasts so that you can listen and meditate on the message/discussion on your own time.

Accountability and Support
We could all use some help going through tough times, dealing with this world and this life in obedience to scripture, we could all use some encouragement and accountability when our flesh and sin stands in the way from us fulfilling our calling. We want to create an environment where Christians will act like Christians towards others when they need it the most, and an environment that is open, honest, pure, vibrant, full of life, hard on sin, but full of grace and mercy towards people suffering the same afflictions we all know all too well.